Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Relationship Between Personality Types And Learning...

Adi Dina Mrs. Gunby IB Math SL Period 0 21 November 2014 The Relationship Between Personality Types and Learning Styles In this paper, we will investigate the relationship between the personality types of students and their learning styles. I have surveyed a total of 68 students at Agoura High School using the personality test based on Carl Jung’s and Isabel Briggs Myers’ personality theories and Kolb’s theory of learning styles. I decided to conduct this research in order to help people understand their personalities better, and so that they can get the most out of their learning experiences. Prior to conducting this research, I hypothesized combinations of personality types and learning styles that would share a relationship. In this study, I will examine the relationship of the two. Through learning the personality types of my classmates, I will discover a lot about them and have the ability to understand them better. Once figuring out the relationship between the personality types and learning styles, I will share the results with the students who I have surveyed. By doing this, I will inform students on how to apply their personality type to their learning style in order to excel in all learning experiences. To begin, I will address Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers’ theory on personality types. In order for the students to discover their personality type, each student would take a 72 multiple choice question test on the website:Show MoreRelatedUnderstanding The Learning Style Of The Target Academic Audience1310 Words   |  6 Pagesreadily available with respect to leadership styles, but the resources available significantly diminish once personality traits and learning styles are introduced, and they become scant once the concept of athletics is further introduced. Therein lies the knowledge gap that this research project will begin to fill. 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