Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Terrorism Causes, Motivations and Reccomendations Essay

Terrorism Causes, Motivations and Reccomendations - Essay Example 81). Terrorist entails any plan to raise unnecessary fears and exert economic social and economic control. Being a global issue, the understanding of the main motivators and causes of the attack is critical and necessary as it can help in offering an effective solution to the problem. Therefore, the attack in Floola can be squarely associated with existing cordial relationship of Floola with United States of America as well as wayward individual beliefs and religious extremism. Moreover, adequate understanding of individual, groups/ national issues as well as international stages can aid in reducing the ever increasing terrorism impacts. Terrorism: Causes and Motivations In the analysis of terrorist attacks in Floola, it is complex to draw a line between the causes, motivations, and reasons behind these attacks. The four facets of terrorism are intertwined and it may be hard to distinguish. The motivations and causes of terrorist attacks in Floola can be studied in three main stages, international, national or group level as well as individual level (Yaqub, 2005, p. 67). Individual Causes Referring to the theory of frustration-aggression, terrorist aggressions are driven by the existing discrepancies between human demands and fulfillment of the demands. In most cases, terrorist groups address their unfulfilled demands through such activities as physical and psychological violence. The attack in Floola may be influenced by a need to fulfill unmet needs and for identity purposes. Conventionally, terrorists are absolutely loyal to their sponsoring networks and willing to commit crimes of any nature to protect their religion, language, native homeland, and group membership. Mostly, families affiliated to terrorist networks are held hostage to affirm their commitment to the group. Therefore, the attack in Floola can as well be associated with an attempt to protect the Muslim religion in the country. Additionally, terrorist group leaders are often driven by extremist political ambitions. A good number of terrorists or terrorism sponsors have made prosperous transition from terrorist group leaders to political leaders. These leaders are well educated and have prosperous families and intra-global investments networks. As a result, these leaders may have used their political powers, flourishing business connections and intelligence to motivate terrorist attack in Floola. National or Group Level Terrorism Specified groups, national institutions and social systems play a critical role in provoking terrorist activities. Frustrations caused by increasing basic need deprivations at individual level can lead to creation of criminal organizations (Shchedrovitsky, 2005, p. 89). The emergence of modern terrorist attacks can historically be likened to the emergence of liberal states. This is due to the fact that, most of the anarchist terrorists are mostly associated with â€Å"Propaganda of the Deed†. Terrorism in Floola can be taken as advocacy act ivities for propagating anarchist message to the general public by creating terror on the people and the government to create a socio-political insecurity in the country. Religious beliefs also play an exceptionally essential role in the promotion, motivation, legitimization and increasing the intensity of criminal activities in the world. In the case of Floola, religious beliefs may have contributed and legitimized the attack through imposition of religious ideologies,

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Animation Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Animation Critique - Essay Example Utilization of animatronics is expected to fade off in the next ten years in the entertainment industry. Film producers have been adopting several new mechanisms of public entertainment (Abbott, pg. 252). They are creating a realistic interaction of the imaginative objects and people. Engineers are improving the technology day by day, to suit the diverse and rapidly changing needs of the target populations. A revolution is expected to happen as the machines become sophisticated day by day. Essentially, scientists are even coming up with a mechanism where such robots will even be in a position to think and act just as human beings do (Schell, pg. 97). The e-robots will have an instinct ability that will reason just as human beings. It will be in a position to detect human emotions such as sadness or happiness. Out of detecting the human emotional happiness, the machine will act to improve the human mood. It will further create a close connection with the human beings (Peltoniemi, pg. 350). Additionally, toy robots are becoming of great use among the children, who are discarding the traditional toys. In essence, machines are replacing all the functions in all sectors. Therefore, extreme changes are expected with reference to the animatronics use in