Saturday, February 8, 2020

Animation Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Animation Critique - Essay Example Utilization of animatronics is expected to fade off in the next ten years in the entertainment industry. Film producers have been adopting several new mechanisms of public entertainment (Abbott, pg. 252). They are creating a realistic interaction of the imaginative objects and people. Engineers are improving the technology day by day, to suit the diverse and rapidly changing needs of the target populations. A revolution is expected to happen as the machines become sophisticated day by day. Essentially, scientists are even coming up with a mechanism where such robots will even be in a position to think and act just as human beings do (Schell, pg. 97). The e-robots will have an instinct ability that will reason just as human beings. It will be in a position to detect human emotions such as sadness or happiness. Out of detecting the human emotional happiness, the machine will act to improve the human mood. It will further create a close connection with the human beings (Peltoniemi, pg. 350). Additionally, toy robots are becoming of great use among the children, who are discarding the traditional toys. In essence, machines are replacing all the functions in all sectors. Therefore, extreme changes are expected with reference to the animatronics use in

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